World renowned Takács Quartet brings compositions by Beethoven to Santa Ynez Valley

World renowned Takács Quartet brings compositions by Beethoven to Santa Ynez Valley

If ever one needs a jolt of inspiration as well as comfort in turbulent times, the answer is simple: Beethoven for inspiration and Beethoven for comfort.

Recently, the Santa Ynez Valley was treated to a sublime concert that paired two great string compositions by Beethoven with performers of world-class caliber: the renowned Takács Quartet.

Elayne Klasson: Remarriage, a triumph of hope

Elayne Klasson: Remarriage, a triumph of hope

It has been said of remarriage that it is a triumph of hope over experience. When people take the plunge and marry again, despite having experienced the pain of loss through death or divorce, they are affirming their hope.

But isn’t that what love is all about?

Despite the knowledge that, inevitably, things will end, the desire for love is so powerful that some of us try again. And again.

Elayne Klasson: Writing when old

Elayne Klasson: Writing when old

This week, I am appearing on a panel with another author. It is being hosted by a rather prestigious book fair in Detroit.

In the “before times,” I would be getting on a plane today and flying to Detroit. I am very disappointed that the wonderful nine-city book tour I was scheduled to go on this year and next has been replaced by Zoom events. And while flying around the country on someone else’s dime, being put up in nice hotels, and being wined and dined certainly is exciting, I just looked up the weather in Detroit. It is 35 degrees with a mixture of freezing rain and snow projected. Maybe not flying to Detroit this week is OK, after all.

Elayne Klasson: A quiet generosity

Elayne Klasson: A quiet generosity

The Jewish philosopher and scholar Maimonides has written about giving to others. He declared that no one is exempt from charity or giving. However, he also wrote that there are 8 degrees of giving. These can be seen as a ladder with eight rungs, bottom to top. Each step of giving brings one closer to heaven.

I am not certain of my feelings about heaven. I prefer to be a good person doing good deeds while on Earth, without thoughts of heaven or hell. However, whatever your beliefs, I think we’d all agree that Deepa Willingham climbs very high on this ladder of generosity.